关于「The euro」的内容列表

The Bank of Japan is sitting still as scheduled, but the short-term rebound of the United States and Japan is also about to face key resistance, and Germany's fiscal move has pushed the euro to sound the overbought alarm. Can the Federal Reserve let it ignore the technical aspects and rise again tonight?

The Bank of Japan is sitting still as scheduled, but the short-term rebound of the United States and Japan is also about to face key resistance, and Germany's fiscal move has pushed the euro to sound the overbought alarm. Can the Federal Reserve let it ignore the technical aspects and rise again tonight?

2025-03-19 04:23:13
HSBC: European Central Bank gradually cuts interest rates or boosts risk assets

Hussain Mehdi, macro and investment strategist at HSBC Asset Management, said in a note that he expected the ECB to continue gradually cutting interest rates after cutting by 25 basis points on Thursday. Mr. Mehdi said the ECB's slow pace of rate cuts was likely to boost the performance of European risk assets. "Against the backdrop of fading US exceptionalism, we believe the global equity rally, including the outperformance of eurozone equities, will continue further in 2025."

2025-03-06 16:21:28
Kremlin: (On the question of whether Ukraine can join the European Union) This is the sovereign right of any country, and we will not make any mandatory provisions on it.

Kremlin: (On the question of whether Ukraine can join the European Union) This is the sovereign right of any country, and we will not make any mandatory provisions on it.

2025-02-18 09:11:21
European Union says Trump tariffs unjustified, will respond firmly and immediately

The European Union's executive commission said on Friday it would respond "firmly and immediately" to tariff increases resulting from US President Donald Trump's proposed "reciprocal" trade policy, calling it unjustified and a step in the wrong direction. "The European Union maintains some of the lowest tariffs in the world and there is no reason for the US to increase tariffs on European Union exports," the commission said in a statement. More than 70 per cent of imports enter the European Unio...

2025-02-14 18:43:10
ECB Governing Council Villeroy: We may cut interest rates further

European Central Bank Governing Council member Villeroy said that we may further cut interest rates. (Golden Ten)

2025-02-03 08:09:09
European Union responds if Trump imposes tariffs on European Union goods will resolutely fight back

Mr. Trump said last week that he would "absolutely" impose tariffs on the European Union. The European Union said it would "resolutely respond" if the United States imposed tariffs on the European Union, the latest sign of discontent with President Trump's trade policies, whose effects are spreading around the world. The use of tariffs is "harmful to all parties" and the European Union has expressed regret over Mr. Trump's decision to impose tariffs on Canada, Mexico and China.

2025-02-03 01:59:36
European Central Bank board member: digital euro needs to be launched as a response to Trump's cryptocurrency push

Eurozone banks need a digital euro in response to U.S. President Donald Trump's efforts to promote a stablecoin, a cryptocurrency usually pegged to the U.S. dollar, European Central Bank board member Piero Cipollone said on Friday. That would help lure more customers away from banks and strengthen the case for the ECB to launch its own digital currency.

2025-01-24 12:59:46
European Central Bank Governing Council Knott: The obstacles to another interest rate cut next week are small

On January 22nd, the European Central Bank Governing Council Knott said that the obstacles to another interest rate cut next week are very small. The data is encouraging and confirms that we will return to our target. (Golden Ten)

2025-01-22 07:12:35
European Central Bank Governing Council Knott: The obstacles to another interest rate cut next week are small

European Central Bank Governing Council Member Knott said there are few obstacles to another interest rate cut next week. The data is encouraging and confirms that we will be back on target and hope to see the economy recover before making further judgments. (Golden Ten)

2025-01-22 07:00:26
Although the market is not optimistic that the European Central Bank will cut interest rates significantly tonight, they generally predict that the central bank will become more dovish in the future.

Although the market is not optimistic that the European Central Bank will cut interest rates significantly tonight, they generally predict that the central bank will become more dovish in the future.

2024-12-12 12:20:40
European Central Bank Governing Council Nagel: No objection to interest rate cuts next week

Mr. Nagel, the European Central Bank's governing body, said on Wednesday that the central bank could cut interest rates again next week but that easing should be gradual and cautious. "Given that the process of falling inflation has largely proceeded as currently expected, at this stage I would not object if we continued to lower the policy rate," Mr. Nagel said on Wednesday. "But I will reserve my final judgment and will make my decision after reviewing the new macroeconomic forecasts for Decem...

2024-12-04 17:27:29
The European line has once again ushered in an upswing. How should we view this round of rise?

Gold Ten Futures Special Everbright Futures Comments: Shipping broke out again today, and the European Line Consolidation 2502 contract rose by more than 10% during the session, closing at the 3,000-point integer mark. On the supply side, geopolitical conflicts continue to ferment, and container ships are still in a state of detour. Recently, a number of shipping companies announced an increase in freight rates starting from November 15, among which Hapag-Lloyd raised the freight rates for 20-fo...

2024-11-05 08:15:27
European Central Bank Governing Council Nagel: Don't rush for success on interest rates

European Central Bank Governing Council member Nagel said that service inflation in the euro area remains high; the European Central Bank should remain cautious and not rush to achieve results on interest rates; in the fight against inflation, the European Central Bank still needs to make efforts.

2024-10-30 18:08:33
European Central Bank Governing Council Mueller: The best policy option is to cut interest rates cautiously

The European Central Bank's governing council, Muller, said that the best policy option is to cut interest rates cautiously; not to worry about falling behind the situation; and still believe that we will see a gradual economic recovery.

2024-10-24 20:30:51

7x24 快讯

03:04 2025-03-24
02:49 2025-03-24
Arthur Hayes押注比特币将先涨至11万美元
据Arthur Hayes在X平台发文,他表示看好比特币将先上涨至11万美元,而非回调至76,500美元。其理由为美联储正由量化紧缩(QT)转向对美债的量化宽松(QE),而通胀被视为“暂时性”,关税影响有限。他称将在下一篇文章中详细阐述观点,目前先提供“TikTok脑容量版”摘要。
02:46 2025-03-24
《富爸爸穷爸爸》作者 Robert Kiyosaki 在 X 平台发文表示,比特币迎来历史性财富机遇,但许多人因 FOMM(害怕犯错)而错失良机。他认为,FOMO 的投资者将积累世代财富,而 FOMM 人群则会等到比特币突破 20 万美元后才感叹“太贵了”。 比特币支持者,如 Jeff Booth、Michael Saylor、Samson Mow 等人,长期看好比特币的财富效应,而传统教育体系则让许多人害怕失败,最终错失机会。
02:43 2025-03-24
数据:过去 24 小时全网爆仓 1.47 亿美元,空单爆仓 9085 万美元
02:43 2025-03-24
02:34 2025-03-24
02:27 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据Public Pool与Umbrel称,北京时间3月23日08:30,一位个人矿工使用自托管的Umbrel节点与Bitaxe矿机,通过Public Pool协议成功挖出首个比特币区块(888989),区块奖励为3.15188086 BTC。
02:21 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据链上数据分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,SHELL 回购地址再次从 Binance 提出 100 万枚代币,目前回购代币总数已达 2195 万枚,进度更新至 81.2%。自回购首日 3 月 14 日起至今 SHELL 共上涨 4.56%。
02:09 2025-03-24
数据:Circle 在 Solana 上新增铸造 2.5 亿枚 USDC
据 Onchain Lens 监测,Circle 在 Solana 上新增铸造 2.5 亿枚 USDC。截至目前,Circle 2025 年已在 Solana 上累计铸造 107.5 亿枚 USDC。
02:00 2025-03-24
以太坊 2025 年 Q1 创历史最差表现,连续三月均呈负收益
3月24日消息,据 Coinglass 数据,以太坊在 2025 年第一季度经历了近年来最为惨淡的开局,连续三个月均呈现负收益: 1月:-1.28%(历史平均收益:+20.63%,中位数:+31.92%); 2月:-31.95%(历史平均收益:+11.68%,中位数:+8.78%); 3月:-10.16%(历史平均收益:+19.55%,中位数:+9.96%); 这是以太坊自2017年有完整数据记录以来,首次出现连续三个月全部为负收益的第一季度。对比历年第一季度表现: 2024年:两涨一跌(-0...
01:57 2025-03-24
资管公司南方东英宣布推出9只美股个股杠杆及反向产品(L&I Products),让投资者可以在亚洲时段进行美股交易,据悉新产品周一(24日)首挂,投资5只美股个股,包括伯克希尔哈撒韦、特斯拉、英伟达、Coinbase及Strategy(原MicroStrategy),以掉期为基础的合成模拟策略,达成2倍杠杆并设有港元及美元柜台,每手10个单位,入场费约780元,预计追踪误差约0.06%。
01:33 2025-03-24